Chocolate Chip Awesomeness

OMG!!! I died and went to heaven this week. Really. Here you thought I was taking time off to rebuild the blog–and, as you can see I did do that–but it was a stretch. A strain on my non-tech savy psyche.

And so I called out the old girl in distress helper…tada…comfort food!

Disclaimer # 1: There’s a recipe here somewhere.


Best cookie ev-ah!

In this case, home made chocolate chip cookies. This is the part where heaven comes in. OMG, if they served these instead of communion wafers I’d be in the front row EVERY Sunday. Yes. I. Would. Little nip o’wine, little bite of these babies and I’d be signing up for the altar guild in no time flat.

Because they are THAT good.

Disclaimer # 2: I did NOT eat them all. I took some to work. Held them in front of my co-workers and told them the price for a bite o’heaven was an Arty Life appearance. Really, would you rather see photos of ingredients or appreciation?

Besides, I didn’t want to clean my kitchen for a photo shoot. 

blog 22 Dieter

Here’s Dieter. She’s in this picture. And Greg lurking in the background like a Calvin Klein commercial.

blog 22 DieterBW

See what I mean? Romancing the cookie.

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And then there was Leland. No one can romance a cookie like he does.

blog_22 leland 2

A serious case of tasty bliss. The real deal, or so he said. He SWORE he was not faking.  He also promised photos in a pink dress if I would bring in more cookies.

Which is a good time to introduce the newest Arty Life category and regular feature, What Leland Wore Today. Stay tuned for future installments.

Disclaimer # 3: The recipe is down below. Is that a cool recipe card or what? I filled it out as best as I could but when it comes to cooking, I cook like I paint. Which means, umm… by the seat of my pants when it comes to ingredients and measurements. A lot of eyeballing and palm of the hand stuff. To my recollection this is kind of sort of the way these came together.

So print out the card and give them a try if you’re so inclined.  And I’m thinking you can review the recipe too, judging from the Write a Review link.


[yumprint-recipe id=’1′]

As always, please share this with your friends if you like what you see. Got those handy dandy social share buttons down below.

And you KNOW how much I live for your comments, they’re even better than cookie batter. Well, almost….

Surprised Oh look! An emoticon, imagine that!!!

Little Bunny FooFoo

Warning: The post you are about to read was written under the influence of an unholy amount of sugar coursing through my veins. I am not responsible for a single offending thing I say in this post.

Or EVER, for that matter.

I’m writing this post on Easter Sunday. This is the most holy of days in the Christian calendar. On the O’Holy o’meter it’s OFF. THE. CHARTS. Which is why Christians everywhere engage in ritual sacrifice of rabbits and chickens on this most sacred of days. To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

What’s not to celebrate?  I’d come back for chocolate too.

Pause here to bow your head and genuflect. Show some respect. Because those cute little critters down below… they’re about to have their HEADS EATEN OFF. And they haven’t a clue.

They are the innocents. Who. MUST. Die. For us.

Mrs. peep and Baby Bunny

Look at them. So…cheerful. So unsuspecting. Well, maybe not the bunny. Her smile looks rather forced to me. And WHAT is that she’s clutching? OMG! A little purse. She thinks she’s going shopping.  Or to the movies. Oh, why doesn’t someone SAVE her??? Where is PETA (Confectionery division) when you need them? Where?

Because if someone doesn’t STOP ME, I will do what I was raised to do. WITH THE CHURCH’S BLESSING!!!

Starting with the ears. I will break them off her tiny little head with my bare hands. Just. Like. That. And then, as she watches (still smiling but it’s a horrified smile) I will BITE PEEP’S HEAD OFF. And. Swallow. It. Whole.

First the ears. Then the head

And then I’ll get back to Miss Bunny….

But I will spare you the details. It’s not a pretty sight but it MUST BE DONE. To honor new life. New beginnings. The glories of spring.

Unless you live in the southern hemisphere. Where Easter co-insides with the decent into the hell of winter. That REALLY sucks theologically, doesn’t it? You want my advice? Go eat a chocolate ‘roo. It’ll make you feel better. Maybe.

Change of topic:

Put a couple of albums of art up on my FaceBook page. It’s like an Arty Life Lite. Kind of. Come on over and check it out. And while you’re there, PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLUH-ESE click the ‘like’ button on the top of the page. ‘Cause that Zuckerberg kid said I could trade them in for a PONY when I get enough of ’em.

Toddler in the House

Grandbaby, AKA Missy B, came for a visit.

Brooke with dolls

Toddler in the house!


At the park.

Brooke at the doctor

In the doctor’s office.

Brooke slide

Quick recovery. At the park again.

Brooke walk

Walking with Dad (AKA FirstBorn)

Brooke and Saki

Visiting  Grandma’s ponies.

Upside down

Hangin’ upside down.

It’s been an awesome five days. An exhausting five days. Now she’s on her way back home to her own house, her own routine. I will miss her full on the lips sloppy wet kisses. Her tiny little voice and her beautiful smile. Most of all I will miss her sense of style.


And then…JUMP UP AND DOWN because YAY!, it’s the New Year. Fresh start. New intentions. Computer back from the shop and I’m rarin’ to go. Get your seatbelts on, lovies, ’cause it’s going to be quite the ride in artland/blogland this year. Oh yes indeed. I’ll be sharing this all with you shortly so stay tuned.

But first, a look at the final indulgence of 2011 to grace my table. Grace my lips. Keep me up waaay past my bedtime in a carb and saturated fat induced blitz.




Can you say Belgian Chocolate? Can you say White chocolate? Can you say Key Lime? Can you say Tiramisooooooooo I’m in luuuuuuv with you???? Can you say holy crap this is AMAZING???

my plate

We split five of these among five adults. Had two and a half left over. They were that rich.

And now, for the month of January, it’s back to green smoothies and eating clean. And you know what? I’m looking forward to it.