Grandbaby, AKA Missy B, came for a visit.

Brooke with dolls

Toddler in the house!


At the park.

Brooke at the doctor

In the doctor’s office.

Brooke slide

Quick recovery. At the park again.

Brooke walk

Walking with Dad (AKA FirstBorn)

Brooke and Saki

Visiting  Grandma’s ponies.

Upside down

Hangin’ upside down.

It’s been an awesome five days. An exhausting five days. Now she’s on her way back home to her own house, her own routine. I will miss her full on the lips sloppy wet kisses. Her tiny little voice and her beautiful smile. Most of all I will miss her sense of style.


And then…JUMP UP AND DOWN because YAY!, it’s the New Year. Fresh start. New intentions. Computer back from the shop and I’m rarin’ to go. Get your seatbelts on, lovies, ’cause it’s going to be quite the ride in artland/blogland this year. Oh yes indeed. I’ll be sharing this all with you shortly so stay tuned.

But first, a look at the final indulgence of 2011 to grace my table. Grace my lips. Keep me up waaay past my bedtime in a carb and saturated fat induced blitz.




Can you say Belgian Chocolate? Can you say White chocolate? Can you say Key Lime? Can you say Tiramisooooooooo I’m in luuuuuuv with you???? Can you say holy crap this is AMAZING???

my plate

We split five of these among five adults. Had two and a half left over. They were that rich.

And now, for the month of January, it’s back to green smoothies and eating clean. And you know what? I’m looking forward to it.