Random Acts of Art, Again!

It’s Wednesday…time to spread the luvvv. Sprinklin’ good mojo one arty token at a time.

TaDaaaa…it’s RANDOM ACTS OF ART!!!

Good times. Good times.

And time for me to make some new arty tokens. Found I was almost out when I reached in my pocket this afternoon. Oh nooooooo! Deep pockets, lots of stuff. A couple of small flashlights. Neither one works. A little bottle of Rescue Remedy spay. Never know when you’re going to need that. Some paper towels because I ran out of tissues long ago. And hay. Lots of little bitty hay things.

And three heART rocks. Only three. So I had to think carefully where they could do the most good.

I hopped in the car and  found myself heading to the other side of town. Actually, another town entirely. I got to thinking a good place for one of the heart rocks would be Mama’s cardiologist’s office. Really. Heart rock for someone seeing the heart doc.

Having been there with her many times I knew there was little chance I could sneak into the waiting room and hide the rock much less photograph it. Not without at least ten old people watching my every move. And the receptionist…no way I could get past that woman. Open the door and she’s got her hand out for the insurance card. Just doin’ her job, just doin’ her job…

RAA medical office

So no, his office wasn’t a good idea. But the atrium of the medical building was. There it is, about knee height. Just waiting for someone who needs something to smile about after leaving the doctor’s office. Blind as she was, Mama would’ve noticed something like that and swooped it up as fast as…as a ninety-something year old could swoop.

Which isn’t very fast, really.

The medical building is near the hospital. Figured that would be a good place for a drop. People in the hospital need cheering up, right? So I made that my next stop. There wasn’t any parking down the hill at the ER so I went in the main door. Through the lobby.

But first I needed a tissue. It was raining. My nose was running. I couldn’t just reach in my pocket and pull out a paper towel and shake the chaff onto the floor. Not in the hospital lobby. The idea was to leave ART, not hay. So I went to the ladies’ room. And that’s where the perfect opportunity jumped out at me.

RAA hospital

Right there on top of the paper towels. Everyone washing their hands will see it. But I hope it stays there until someone who needs it takes it. Along with one of those cards. Maybe it will encourage them to get out of a bad situation. Who knows….

After the hospital I decided to head downtown. Told myself if there was an easy parking spot I’d wander around looking for another drop spot. Lo and behold, the universe heard me! Easy-peasyTWO parking spaces in a row. Doesn’t get any better than that when it’s parallel parking on a hill.

It was meant to be.

So I parked. When I went to feed the meter I realized the car behind me had run out of time. So I fed that meter too. And left a calling card rock. Double luvvv. Then I wandered into my original target, the little indy bookstore up the hill. Where I spent a most pleasant hour.

RAA parking meterUh-oh…See that yellow notice on the meter?  Where it says ‘No Feeding’.  I just read it now. Honest, officer.  No ‘feeding’. Here I thought I was being a good citizen and it turns out I’m a law breaker. A parking felon.

Well, we’ll just let the karma fairy be the judge of that!

Now it’s your turn. Got any Random Acts of Art to share? I KNOW some of you do! Join the link party. Don’t be shy! Just enter below (above the comments) where it says “You are next…click here” Link stays open until 11:59 PM Saturday, Pacific (USA) time.

And everyone else, check out those links!

Random Acts of Art Wednesday

Random Acts of Art Wednesday

Changing the world one little arty bit at a time…because we can. And it’s FUN!

Well sweetums, it’s WEDNEDSAY! Ta-ta…And you know what THAT means, right? It’s time to share our Random Acts of Art. Now if you’re new here and not familier with Random Acts of Art Wednesday (RAAW), the rules are simple. Make a little something. Put some luv into it. Lots of luvvvv. Then hide it where someone can find it and take a photo. Your little gift might make a stranger’s day. If you have a blog, post the photos and add your link below. If you don’t have a blog, send me the photos by Tuesday and I’ll add them to my Wednesday post. If I get too many, don’t worry. I’ll make a slideshow for them  ALL.

My personal RAAW goal? Hiding one every day. But you can make whatever goal you want. Trust me, once you start doing it you won’t want to stop.

Sister Marjorie Ellen has joined in the fun. Since she lives in Norway where there’s LOTS of rocks she decided to do rocks too. Just chunks of quartz picked up off the ground. And gold leafed. And decorated with tags from Yogi tea.

margies rocks

Really, wouldn’t YOU want to find one of these beauties? Well you can…if you live in Norway.

Library love

And go to the library looking for the book Heart of Darkness. Because if you’re looking for that you definitely need a happy rock.

doctor rocks

Now blurry is part of the deal here. When you’re sneaking around leaving little gifties and have to snap a photo you don’t always have time to get things in focus. Even auto focus. This one was at her doctor’s office.

rock with cat food

The grocery store. Margie loves kitties. Has three of  ’em.


And after a long day of hiding her Random Acts of Art, time to head over to the wine store. Buy a bottle, leave a rock. Works for me.


I was walking in town the other night and couldn’t resist this window ledge. Do you know how hard it is to photograph neon? The sign was actually red. Go figure.

caged heart

This one is in a bird cage at the feed store. Fly free little bird…. An empty cage but I’m filling it with love. Or am I caging the heart? Oh dear….


The new pergola at the co-op. It’s at the head of a new trail. I’ll have to walk it during lunch some day.

bowl of hearts

Leaving you with my favorite. Heart rock in the heart dish.

So did you hide any arty bits this week? If you did, remember to link up. The link will remain open until Saturday night, Pacific time.


WHOO-HOO!!! Today is the first, the very first ev-ah…. RANDOM ACTS OF ART WEDNESDAY.

Or, to keep things simple, RAAW!

If this is your first visit to Arty Life you can read about it here.

The rest of you gather round. I’ve been spreading the luvvvvv around town all week. Here’s the proof.

under the mailboxes

This one is under a bank of mailboxes.

water office

In front of the water district building.

vet's office

My vet’s office. Had a little front office SWORN TO SECRECY help with this one.

cafe window

Haha…this one looks like a simple windowsill but no no no no….not just ANY widow. This one is in a GALLERY. The current show? The Art of Love. There’s something oh so delicious about this particular placement, don’t you think?

bus stop

A bus stop.  And…

art rock buddha

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” Buddha

Here’s one from my friend Amee, passing along the rock I gave to her.

Amee's rock

Here’s what Amee said when she sent the photo. “I had fun ‘planting’ rock. Inspires me to want to paint some too and keep them in my pocket for the right time and place… Who knows what could happen if people all over the world started to pass this along….I spent time putting love into the rock before I left it hoping the one who finds it ‘needs’ it.”

So my sweetums, It. Has. Begun. The ultimate Easter Egg-Art Token-Magical Mystery Scavenger Hunt. The Johnny Appleseed planting luvvvvvvvv challenge. And it doesn’t have to be rocks. It can any mini-art token. It can be words of encouragement rolled up and tied with pretty ribbon. Use your imagination. And every Wednesday be here. Send me photos by Tuesday to make the post. Or post on your own blog and link up down below. Link signup closes on the 25th at 11:59 PM PST. But opens again the following Wednesday.

Help spread the word. Like this post on Facebook. Tell your friends. Let’s make this into a MOVEMENT!


