Burning the Midnight Oil

Thirty paintings. Thirty days.

California Impressions # 13

AKA, the one that nearly didn’t happen. Because sometimes life gets in the way. Today was a day of errands and taxi driving. Building display panels. By the time I had some time I was more inclined to kick back with Mr. Spouse and watch Law & Order reruns from the last century.

And then I couldn’t sleep. Go figure. A painting kept playing in my head, a great big abstract water thing complete with a voice that said you will not remember this in the morning.

So I got out of bed and headed to my studio behind the house.

I already knew which canvas to use, this big old 3 x 4 foot puppy sporting some birds in a tree that I painted a few years ago, something back when I was painting all sorts of things looking for my voice and this was definitely not it.

But it made a great underlayer for tonight’s adventure.


California Impressions # 13 work in progress
Susan Lobb Porter

Is it done? Probably not. Definitely not. I’ll need to look at it by the light of day, after some sleep. But for now it makes me happy on so many levels…mostly because it’s not those damn birds. But there was also a spontaneity that came from the late hour, from the adventure of getting out of bed and painting. And from painting in total silence–I never paint without music or some talky stuff.

There was something almost primal about the experience.

And now I’m going to bed.

Until tomorrow…or later today–


Hear Me World


“I owe it all to art books, chocolates and young men”

Artist Beatrice Wood, when asked the secret to her longevity. Her most productive years were between the ages of 80-105


Whoot Beatrice! My kind of woman!!! Handsprings and black flips My. Kind. Of. Woman!

Because I’m gonna be a kick-ass old lady myself. Yes indeed, I surely am.

I come from a line of women who are direct descendants of the Energizer Bunny. They keep on going and going and going until their batteries run out somewhere around the century mark.

Barring unforeseen circumstance, like Kim what’s-his-face throwing a temper tantrum with a nuclear warhead or maybe a meteorite landing on top of my head, I plan on hanging around for quite some time. 

But not just hanging around.

I plan on BEING here. 

Painting. Writing. CREATING. Dancing. LOVING. Moving. Laughing. Learning. And GROWING.

Making  a damn good time of it.

There will be chocolate involved. Family and good friends. And when I finally cross over, I pray it’s with a smile on my face and paint under my nails.

Oh, and that novel I haven’t finished? It’s not too late. Beatrice published her first in her late 80s. The first of four under her own name. There were others published under the psudonym Countess Lola Screwvinsky. Screwvinsky? Hmmmm…methinks Beatrice was a kickass old lady herself.