Right now Sophie and Studio Quat are facing off becoming reacquainted. Studio Quat is becoming House Quat, she’s moving in with us. Along with all sorts of crap treasures from Mama’s house, the old studio grande. 

Notice how I don’t capitalize that one. It has been … decommissioned. Like a battle ship. Or a church. Or something.

I’d planned on moving SQ to the new, improved! Studio Grande but that is not to be. At least not now. The studio, like my house, is a victim of moving Mama’s stuff. There is not a single clear surface. And when I do get them cleared I’ll be faced with concrete. Remember the concrete countertops? Well, at the tender age of 17, I figure Studio Quat deserves upholstered furniture and puppy playmates.

I’m sure she’ll eventually agree.

Meanwhile, it’s hard to paint…so I’m not. But you can’t keep a creative girl down. That’s where the ipad and iphone come in handy. I can sit at the sofa at the end of the day, feet up on the coffee table and make fun stuff.

oolala the arty life

This is one of the pony pics. A snapshot taken with the iphone. Unedited. What you see is what the camera saw.

oolala the arty life

This is it arted up in in the ipad using Paint FX: Photo Effects Editor. There’s a free version and a premium one. I bought the premium, cost me a whole 99 cents. For under a buck this thing has a lot of creative potential. All sorts of filters. And you can layer them.

I can’t tell you which ones I used in this because I didn’t set out to write a blog post when I played with it. I know I used a lightening brush to bring out my hair.

oolala the arty life

Here’s another version of the same photo. I used three apps here. The first was Captions HD. It’s a fun little app, amazingly versatile. And once again, cheap. I can’t find the receipt but I’m sure it wasn’t anything more than a buck or two. Good thing for making cards and such. Then I added some layers in Paint FX. And then I softened everything in Glazes, an oil painting app. At $2.99 Glazes was a splurge… but cheaper than a latte so I have no complaints.

Saki 'n Moi vintage

And the last one for today, a totally different feel. This is a combination of two apps. The first is a new app I bought tonight, another splurge at $2.99, ArtMasterpiece FX HD. The original effect is a sketch with the feel of an old master, the kind of thing I had to draw over and over back when I was in school. It was quite nice but I can never leave a good thing alone so I threw it in Vintage by Jixipix, which changed it up even more.

So there you have it…one photo, and not a very good one at that, transformed into three totally different looks. Easy-Peasy. Addicting. And fun. OMG, So. Much. Fun.

So that’s it for now, my sweetums. Which one of these do you like the best? Would love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. And if you know anyone with iphone or ipad be sure to share this with them.