Scrolling down my FaceBook newsfeed last night I came across a photo that showed half a dozen sculptures carved from bananas. A few of which, on closer inspection, were rather, umm…rude. But cleverly so.

As an artist I could appreciate the skill and the idea so I shared the photo on my wall.

And within minutes I was challenged…CHALLENGED…by FaceBook friend Donna to make my own, specifically, a banana pony.

So I did. I like a challenge. And I like bananas. And if you’ve been reading this blog for any time you know how I feel about ponies.

banana sculpture

First I carved.

banana 3

Then I kissed. 

banana 4

Then I ate it. Yummm…

banana 6

But I still had more than half a banana left. So I made a self-portrait, complete with coconut hair, saggy boobies and banana seed age spots.

banana 8

And I ate her too. She was extra delicious. Mmmm…mmmm…coconut.

Now that I am an experienced banana carver I can pass along some advice. The banana should not be too ripe. I think a greener one would allow for a bit more control. And a paring knife is not the best tool, it didn’t allow for any detail. Something along the lines of clay tools. And a word of warning: what you cut off doesn’t want to go back on. It just gets all mushy, which is why the pony had weird ears.

So there you have it, my first adventure into edible sculpture since art school. I think cream cheese was involved in that one.

If any of you peeps want to try your hand at this, send me your photos or include the links in the comments below.