Or what goes on inside that head of yours, Miz Susan? Really, WHAT???

Okay, so last week I got all fired up about Venus traipsing merrily across the sun. Because someone told me that astrology-wise it meant ALL SORTS OF CREATIVE WOO-WOO.

Whoo-hoo, I’m all for that, y’know.

So I went home and painted. Might’ve even showed you this. See, lookit…she’s in front of the sun! Because she’s Venus!

Oh, I was nothing if not clever, eh?

But in the clear light of another day, a day when my mind was stone cold sober and free from the effects of the astrological high…well, then I wasn’t nearly as impressed with my efforts. In fact, after some careful (i.e., spontaneous) consideration… I MADE HER GO AWAY!

Poof...just like that! 

Be gone with you, pouty faced goddess!

Which is what happens when you arm a cranky artist with a loaded brush. Wasn’t exactly poof. First came the tortured hippy phase.

Next came death by Titan Buff. Followed by some scrubbing. Good way to get the mouldering in the grave effect, don’t you agree?

Then I said the hell with it and brought out my inner Flora Bowley. Because layers are good. A new start. Did a lot of layers, can’t say how many. By this time I was in a pissy mood perilously close to art therapy.

I looked at the scribbles and saw a woman. Not really, didn’t see a damn thing…but I still had Venus in my head. And if I wasn’t careful, if I didn’t part with Flora (whom I respect and admire tremendously) if I didn’t part with her right here, I would go on to paint some birds. And big ole va-jayjay flowers. Wouldn’t’ve been able to help myself.

So I cranked up the music and painted a GODDESS. And those blue squiggles on the lower left…they told me they were dancers. Holy crap! The Supremes!

No, no NO…not the Supremes…it’s the TRANSITS! Venus and the Transits!

'Venus and the Transits Rockin' Round the Sun' by Susan Lobb-Porter

And there you have it…Venus and the Transits Rockin’ Round the Sun. 


I never say a painting’s finished until it leaves the studio. But this one’s close. Maybe a few little touches here and there. But no major facelift like she-who- lies-beneath-the-surface.

Now scroll back up and listen to Frankie. C’mon, you know you want to.

FYI: Acrylic, 24×30 inches, gallery wrapped canvas.