I have a friend. Her name is Dieter. No, her parents did not name her after a German boy, as Mr. Spouse thought was the case for several years. Dieter is her last name. She shares her first name with several English queens and at least one uber famous actress. It’s a lovely name, really. But for some reason she is, and always will be, Dieter to me.

But this is Wednesday. Time for RANDOM ACTS OF ART. The rules are simple. Make a little something. Leave it in a public place. Take a photo and walk away. What does Dieter have to do with all of this?

Well, Dieter and I have this…thing involving the local grocery. One of us sneaks up on the other and, umm…does this.

And then we laugh like a couple of middle schoolers and DO IT AGAIN! And again and again. Near the bananas. The ice cream. Pasta aisle. Wherever one of us thinks we can stalk the other one and get away with it.

Which says a lot for our mature-o’meter.

Well, today I ran into Dieter at the grocery. She was locking up her bicycle out front. I placed a rock and photographed it as we chatted.

It was on a light post or something in front of the store. Plain sight about waist height. Someone would surely find it. Then Dieter and I went into the store and made fools of ourselves sneaking up on one another and doing the Dramatic Chipmunk thing. Because we are so m.a.t.u.r.e.

I was the first to leave. As I walked past her bicycle I had to stop. And plant some love in whatever that thing’s called on the side of the bike. The thing she carries stuff in.

I figured she’d see it when she loaded her groceries. And I bet she heard Da Da Daaaaaaa when she did. So even though it’s not an anonymous RAA, it would still be a surprise and make someone smile.

And that’s what RAA is all about.

As I was putting the groceries in the back of the 4 Runner I glanced up the embankment next to the parking lot and noticed a perfect hidey spot at the base of a cedar tree. I scurried up the embankment, realizing about halfway up how steep it was. Not one of my better ideas.

But look. It was worth it, right? Easy enough to find from the sidewalk if someone happens to be looking.

And now it’s time to share RAA from around the world.

Sister Marjorie Ellen was inspired by the Kelly Rae Roberts poster I printed a couple weeks ago. You can follow the link and print some yourself. Or you can do what Margie did and make your own.

It’s in Norwegian. She lives in Norway. If I dare believe her translation (and she has led me down the wrong path before) it says, Please Help Yourself. The tags from left to right: Hope. Courage. Respect. Forgiveness. Faith. Rest. Love. Beauty. Joy. Time.

She hung one on the message board in the kiosk that shelters the neighborhood mailboxes. She’ll be hanging more and sharing. Next week, right Margie?

Now it’s your turn. If you blogged about any RAA you made this week enter the URL down below where it says You are next. It’s a blog hop and the link will remain open until Saturday 11:59 PM California time. (PST). If you want to join us and you don’t have a blog, send me your photos and I’ll post them the following week. If I get too many for a post  I’ll make a gallery. Easy peasy.

Oh, hey…don’t forget to check out my Facebook page. Think of it as Arty Life Lite. More pictures, less words. While you’re there be sure to click the ‘like’ button at the top of the page. Think of it as a free lotto ticket…you’re not going to win anything but you’ll make me feel good : )