YAY, it’s WEDNESDAY!!! OMG, you know what that means…cartwheels! Backflips! Handsprings! Because…ta-da it’s time for RANDOM ACTS of ART, Wednesday edition.

And now that we’ve got all that jumping around out of the way, would someone please call the chiropractor? Because being an acrobat in Cirque du Soleil  is not in my future. Nor was it ever in my past.

But a girl can dream, can’t she….

So now as I settle in with an ice pack, a brief recap of RANDOM ACTS of ART WEDNESDAY for those who are new. It’s simple, really. A little something I started doing on Valentine’s Day. It was so much fun I decided to keep doing it. And I invite the world to join me. All you have to do is make a little arty something, leave it somewhere like on a trail or a restaurant for a random stranger to find. And after leaving little bit of anonymous luvvvv to brighten a someone’s day, take a photo. Then share it on your blog. And share the link here.

My Random Acts weren’t so random this week. First came sister Marjorie Ellen’s beautiful arty tokens, all the way from Norway.


Aren’t they gorgeous? Just some local rocks she covers with gold leaf and decorates with a tag from Yogi tea. She sent them with a special request, that I put them where Mama can find them.

So I put them in the oak grove where we put Mama last year. One year ago this past week.


And that’s where I put my own rocks. And sister Perci left some flowers. All nestled next to Mama’s big rock.

So for me it wasn’t about being random this week. It was just about spreading the luvvv right here at home.

And now it’s your turn. Got any RAA to share? Leave your link just below the post, where it says You’re next. Click here to enter. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got! The link stays open until Saturday midnight, California time.

Oh! And if you haven’t been to my Facebook page, check it out here. Got a couple art albums going there. And while you’re at it, do me a favor and ‘like’ the page, okay? I’ll be your best friend if you do, promise. I’ll even buy a box of Girl Scout cookies from your kid next year.