Somewhere in the vast reaches of CyberLand I stumbled across Kelly Rae Roberts. Yes, THE Kelly Rae. Artist. Entrepeneaur. And this week, inadvertent contributor to RANDOM ACTS of ART WEDNESDAY.

RAAW, for those of you who are new here, is the act of leaving little bits o’art out and about in public places. Anonymous little gifts to brighten up a stranger’s day. We are making people smile in Australia. The USA. Europa. We are taking over the world with luvvvvv. One arty token at a time. And taking it one step further by sharing photographs of what we make and where we hide it.

Back up. BACK UP! What’s this about Kelly Rae Roberts? Well, check this out. (Arrow pointing down) Go ahead. Scroll down and take a good look.

Kelly Rae Roberts

Doesn’t that make you want to jump up and down and HUG somebody??? You can read all the juicy details about how she came up with this and, best of all my sweetums, the link to download the PDF so you can print them up yourself and further spread the luvvvv. You can read it here.

I taped this to the staff room door at work today. By the time I went home it was missing a few tags.

On the way home I went out and spread some luvvv. I headed for a hiking trail that runs behind where I work. Lots of foot traffic during the day.

storm drain

But on the way I couldn’t resist this storm drain.

The trail was rich with opportunities. Plain sight hides that may or may not be noticed. Like the Memory Garden.

And this monument to the movers who made the trail possible.

And a little hidey-hole right in the middle of the path. What a surprise for the walker who happens to look down.

And now for a peek at some wonderful little watercolor RAAs sent to me by Betty Thompson. Wouldn’t you just love to stumble upon one of these when you’re out and about?  But if you want to find one you’re going to have to search around Sacramento, California. Betty didn’t say where she hid them…but maybe she will in the comments (That’s a hint, Betty!)

abstract flower

Abstract Flower art card by Betty Thompson


Bridge Street Bridge art card by Betty Thompson

'Camellia' art card by Betty Thompson

'Park' art card by Betty Thompson

'Merganser' art card by Betty Thompson

So now it’s your turn. Anyone hide anything this week? Got something to share? This is a blog hop, you know the drill. Just go right down below where it says ‘You are next…click here to enter’ and follow the directions to enter the link to your RAA post. The link will stay open until midnight Saturday. California time.

And if you don’t have a blog, you can send the photos to me like Betty did. Send them to me by Tuesday. Details are good, like where you hid them. If I get too many I’ll just put them in a slideshow.

Can’t wait to see your RANDOM ACTS of ART!