Rain. OMG, winter has FINALLY ARRIVED.

And Studio Grande-in-progress has HALF a roof. Just half. The other side being nekked plywood. The skylights are in, all four of them. But  Mr. Spouse wasn’t sure of the flashing, the stuff that makes them water-tight. With the storm door now open and rain/snow predicted all this week and beyond, he tarpped ’em, Danno. Just to be safe.

studio in progress

The side that has the roof, you know, shingles and stuff, did not leak at all in last night’s rain. That side has been the major leaker in the past so we are very pleased.

studio in progress 2

But the nekked side has two tarps. Because it leaks. This is the view from the back door of our house.

hobbit door

And this is the hobbit door. It will be painted red. And the bungee cord will be replaced with a real door knob.

There are other things to be done inside, less dramatic as far as photos go but enough to keep us busy since all outside work is on hold until the weather clears. Which could be weeks.

I say us but I really mean Mr. Spouse. It’s my studio but his project.

And I’m not complaining at all.