Ah, my sweetums….my most loved readers and friends…happy LUVVVVVVVVV day to you!

Today. And EVERY day. Every single freakin’ BLESSED day. No partner? No problem. Because the kind of luvvvv I’m taking about is the kind that feeds you down to your soul. Curls your celestial toes with heavenly bliss.

I’m talkin’ the ZING!!! that wakes you up happy just because you’re here. And alive.

The magical mystery tour (can you tell I’m in a Beatles mood) that comes from the grand adventure of appreciating the wonder–the starburst BLINDING non-judgmental WONDER that is you.

With. No. Apologies.

The take yourself-out-on-a-date kind of love. Because you ENJOY your own company. With a special thanks to friend Emma for sharing this wonderful video.

But…but…THIS IS VALENTINE’S DAY.  I want candy! Flowers! A Hallmark card! I want my significant other to make a fuss and tell me how wonderful I am.

I don’t want no stinkin’ New Age date with myself. I WANT TRADITION!

Tradition? Very well then. You can read all about that here.

And while you read about Valentines’s day tradition, I’m going to indulge in some self lovin’ that doesn’t involve dead goats and naked Romans.


But does involve chocolate.