I collect bird nests. Ones that have fallen to the ground and are of no use to their former tenants. I usually find them in the fall, after a storm with a lot of wind. Just lying there in the dirt or a pile of leaves, waiting for me to take it home.

nest with shells

Some have remnants of eggs. Pieces of shell.

nest with eggs

One had the eggs themselves. This one was found in the spring. Poorly constructed. Barely held together. I watched it for a couple of days but no one came to claim it. I hope Mr. & Mrs. Bird built a new one and tried again.

Most of the nests around here are heavy on the horse hair.

horse tail


horse hair

A good swish of the tail too close to a tree…or even a good rub results in building material.

nest with horsehair

Long strands from manes and tails are woven with twigs and whatever else is handy.

fuzzy nest

Sometimes they’re made with the soft fuzzy stuff from spring shedding. Little bit of blue baling twine shredded and incorporated into the decor. Not very elegant but I’m sure it’s warm.

copper nest

And then there’s my own creation. Copper wire. Polyclay eggs. Needs a TV and a fridge before I’ll be moving in.