Time to sit back and take a deep breath. In….Out…. Oh, that’s so much better.

Between building three websites, preparing for an upcoming show, working a day job AND taking an on-line encaustics class taught by the fantabulous Judy Wise, I’d say I’m stretched a bit thin–except my pants would say that’s a lie. They would say, “Umm, Susan? There ain’t nuthin’ thin about your butt.” And I would say, “STOOPID PANTS!!!”  I hate being bossed around by denim, don’t you? So, on top of everything else, I’m exercising. Hard. Yoga. Pilates. Running absolutely nowhere on the eliptical. Every day something.


I’m writing this post at 9 PM. And I’m tired. No, no–beyond tired. I’m exhausted, ready to crawl into bed and konk out. And it feels SO GOOD!

Because before I got back into exercising, I was busy from the time I got up in the morning–and I’m talking early AM, to the time I went to bed ALWAYS after midnight. Sometimes hours after midnight. And when I finally went to bed I couldn’t sleep. I was tired-wired.

Exercise. Movin’ my body. It’s a good thing.

Or, as the French would say….