Scary photo alert: If you have an aversion to other people’s messes go get a cuppa something and skip over the first few photos with your eyes closed.

For the past six weeks or so I’ve been playing this little game called moving stuff. What began as clearing Mama’s house out for the renter became just dump everything from the old studio into the new studio and it will sort itself out. Eventually. In due time.

Mwhahahahaha. Oh, excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes. Silly me, the Clutter Fairy must’ve lost my address. If you see her, snip off her wings, take away the crown (it’s from Burger King anyway) and tell her she’s been a baaaaaad fairy.

Tell her Susan says she sucks. Not personally sucks, because I don’t want to damage her tender little ego because I’m much too nice a person to do that, but her job performance is wanting.

Wanting. With a capital W.

clutter 1

Look at this. Just look at this. SEE WHAT I MEAN??? That sparkly little glitter-dusted effing fairy flew away and left me with this!

Clutter 2

And this!

Clutter 3

And one more because I want to burn it into your eyes. Imprint it on your brain–

Tidy 1

So that THIS will make you weep with joy. This working, functional ORGANIZED studio space will make you sigh with relief. 

SENSITIVE SOULS…You can come back and look at the pictures now.

tidy 2

Because everything that stayed, that didn’t go away,  has a place. A place that is logical to me. A place where I can find it. I know where everything is. And yes, I do have about eight cans of spray mount, six cans of varnish and enough canvases to keep me busy for a long time.

tidy 3

I also have a useable desk. Ignore the blue cord. It’s a power thing for some tool Mr. Spouse was using outside. It’s not really there.

tidy 4

And the comfy corner is once again a place to breathe. To be. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh….

It took a few weeks to get to this point, mostly because I was simultaneously doing the same thing to my house, another place the Clutter Fairy bailed on me. But it’s okay. The house is, oh my god, it’s wonderful!!! It’s like…do I even live here? Oh, I DO! Lucky me!!!

But the studio…having a functioning studio that wants me to be there, wants me to make art… That is the BEST thing of all!

I even painted today, yes I did. But that’s another post, a come back tomorrow post. Or maybe later in the week post. Because I might be too busy painting to blog.

We’ll see.