Arty Playtime

I spent some time in the studio today, totally lost in painting. The kind of painting that comes…just comes. Not thinking, just doing. At the end of the day I had two paintings well under way. But not enough to show just yet.

And then I spent maybe half an hour playing in Photoshop. No agenda, just playing with filters like a kid with a video game.

Started out with a photo of a metal bird wing.

Zoomed in and cropped it. Interesting composition. But Photoshop Filters make everything more interesting.

Here it is with a combination drybrush, pinch and grain.

This is the brush filter.

A little more intense with Fresco.

And something completely different with posterize.

Changing color is a piece of cake.

Lots of potential here. Ideas for paintings. Backgrounds for mixed media. Patterns for collage. I’m going to play with some of these between now and …whenever. And when I do, I’ll show you what happens.





High Handed RAA

High Handed RAA

Uh-oh… Looks like Arty Life took a little vaca-shun this week. Like, you know, I forgot to write any posts.

I’m. NOT. Kidding.

Seems I got me a serious case of the summers. Long days. Sun addled brains. Lazy girl panties with ‘Arty Life’ embroidered on the butt. Languid afternoons floating around the crystal clear pool…the blue diamond sparkling pool of clarity, sippin’ G&Ts and readin’ ro-mance novels.

Bwahahahahahah…. In. My. Dreams.

Aside from the day job, aside from painting the walls and ceiling of the new! improved! Studio-Grande-under-construction, aside from scrubbing winter pond scum from the algae green depths of the pool where the mer-trolls dwell  (after the day job when I could’ve been writing. Or painting.)… ASIDE FROM ALL THAT…it seems I ignored you, my sweetums. My best beloved readers….

But NOT on purpose. Swear to big G in heaven above. Really. Really really really REALLY. Not. On. Purpose.

Now I’m back. And I have much to tell you. Like about today. And how it was a jumping up and down clicking my heels together kind of day.

Today was the day Catholic Girls Wear Plaid went to her forever home with new friend Betty.

Aren’t they a lovely couple? Betty fell in love with CGWP a few weeks ago when I posted a work-in-progress photo. Every painting should come into the world so appreciated.

Betty and I have known each other on-line since taking a hot wax class with Judy Wise. But we’ve never met in person…until today. We live a little more than an hour away from one another and decided to meet somewhere in between. We decided to meet at High Hand Nursery, a combination conservatory, restaurant and art gallery housed in historic fruit sheds in the hills outside Sacramento.

And since Betty is a member of the RANDOM ACTS OF ART group on FaceBook, well, it was only natural for our meet up to include some RAA. RAA rules are simple…make a little arty something, leave it in a public place for someone to find, take a photo of the hide and walk away. I call it spreading the love one arty token at a time.

We share our photos in the FaceBook group. Check it out. If you like the idea, ask to join. We’re friendly folk and you don’t have to be an artist to create RAA. Really. I just make heart rocks. They’re easy to make, easy to have on hand, easy to hide.

High Hand is the perfect place for RAA. Gardens. Old buildings. Art. Ahhhh…..

A garden bench.

A little old lady frozen in time.

A hanging candle holder.

And my favorite, because I get all kinds of giggles hiding RAA in galleries…

In the gallery on the pedestal with an assemblage sculpture.

Those were some of my RAAs today. Not all of them. And Betty has some of her own which I’m sure she’ll post on the FaceBook group. Watching her position one of her little watercolors in the gallery and take a photo looking for all the world like she was supposed to do that…oh man, it was like watching my kid graduate…it was that good!

So go on over to the FB group and check it out. And come back here on Monday. I’ll be back, I will. I mean, I can’t keep forgetting to post now, can I? So I’ll be back and I’ll have some interesting photos to share. Monday it’ll be all about texture.

Yumm…I loves me my texture!

Ohhhhh…and I loves me my comments too! In other words, don’t be shy. Say hi and join in the conversation.