After the Party

After the Party

Just a quickie. It was a looooong day and bed calls.

Opening reception this afternoon.


Sophie came. She was on a date with her first mom. It’s an open adoption. Visiting rights when the mood strikes, every six months or so.

art appreciation

Some people came. Even people I don’t know–but I didn’t take their pictures. And new friend Don from the on-line hot wax class showed up with a couple of beautiful handmade wax color blocks. They’re right in my pallet and will find themselves melted and painted on something soon enough.

After it was over we went home and had an early Thanksgiving dinner, turkey and all the trimmings. I ate too much and went up three sizes in half an hour.

I do not think I will ever eat mashed potatoes and gravy again. At least not before tomorrow night’s leftovers.

Speaking of tomorrow, that’s when sister Marjorie Ellen leaves. She’s hitching a ride to Berkeley with nephew James who drove up for the show. Or maybe he came for the pumpkin pie? She flies out of San Francisco Monday. Back to Norway she goes.

It’s been a good visit. Good talks. Fun doing art stuff together.

And now I’m heading off to bed. But first a reminder. The show hangs for another three weeks. If you’re in the area please stop by and check it out. Love to hear what you think!



You Say it’s Your Birthday


You see that beautiful woman up above. The yummy luscious one in the glasses…that’s my friend Cynthia. The little munchkin is her new found friend Emma. Emma was helping Cynthia celebrate her birthday.

A lot of us did. We drove through freezing rain, braved hairpin turns on dark country roads because it was Cynthia’s birthday. And we were NOT going to miss this party.

Because we love her. And we almost lost her this summer. So this was a birthday to celebrate. A time to be grateful for healing. And living. And the love of family and friends.

And Dieter’s chocolate cake.

Happy birthday Cynthia. May you have many, many more!

And So It Begins



This puppy has a new home. Or will when the show comes down. YAY!

It will be oh so nice to start the opening reception with that red dot already in place. Indeed. Indeed….

Savoring the Day

Savoring the Day

Big, big sigh of relief. Show hung. Postcards out. Last minute details done. Look at that picture over there (to the right). Sister M and her coffee. We actually SAT down this afternoon to eat. OK, so it was fast food. Thing is we sat. We savored. Slowly. We lingered over coffee. Chatted. Imagine that, just chatted. Like we had nothing better to do. We talked about growing up. About our grandmother. About the family summer cottage on the Long Island Sound.

About my new haircut. Very nice, by the way. A total stranger came up to me in a store today and told me how much she like it.

We did NOT talk about art.

But this is an art blog so let’s talk about art here.  A little tease with a couple more photos. Things I finished the day before the show. Nothing like cutting things a little close, eh? Well, they were almost done, just needed the words. And more wax. They started life as oils on cradled wood. There’s some plaster involved. They’re from the “Portals” series.

Crappy photo alert. Should’ve adjusted the color. Too green.



Messages from Home

“Messages from Home”  Or maybe it’s just “Messages”.  I don’t remember….

Hangin’ Out

Saw a coyote outside the kitchen window this morning. No more than fifteen, twenty feet from the house. Beautiful fella. His dunn/gray coat blended in with the autumn dead grasses and bare trees of the forest where we live. I called my sister to come look. The window was closed but he heard me. He turned around and stared for a few seconds before running off.

They always stare face full on.

This time of year it’s not unusual to see them later in the morning, earlier in the evening. Outside of their normal hunting hours. Something to do with the longer periods of darkness.Today’s encounter at 10AM was a reminder to keep the Littles close at hand. I don’t want them to become anyone’s dinner.

Lot of action outside tonight. The hunt is on for someone. But I’m inside with the Littles. Bean is snuggled between my thigh and the arm of the comfy chair. The arm he chewed a hole in a few years back when he was a young Bean and didn’t know any better. Sophie is crashed up against Margie on the sofa. Margie is sitting there talking art. Right now she’s on Rothko. Talking about color fields. Before that she was looking through my encaustic books, talking wax.

This is a winding down time. The show is hung. Publicity wheels are spinning. Now it’s time to regroup. Clean the studio. Clean the house. Get some sleep. Eat healthy. Play. Enjoy ourselves.


And then paint some more.