Bring on the Feng Shui

OK sweetums, yesterday I publicly declared that my focus for the month of February (besides writing and arting, that is) will be the daily de-cluttering of the physical space in which I dwell. Fifteen minutes (no more) a day, with ‘after’ photos. ‘After’ photos that I will explore enhancing with new apps, ever the creative multi-tasker that I am.

If you didn’t read yesterday’s post go read it now. You’ll see that I was flush with victory from completing the 30 Paintings 30 Days challenge and was up for anything. And 15 minutes? (Shrug) After the painting challenge, that’s a piece of cake.

It seemed like a good idea at the time. It still does, actually. Today I found myself wandering around the house, poking at piles of clutter like the wicked witch poking Hansel and Gretel, checking to see who had the most fat on their bones.

But I wasn’t ready to gnaw on the fattest pile, like the master closet or spare bedroom, not so early in the challenge. I settled instead for an appetizer…the coffee table.

If you’ve been reading this blog for the past month when I undertook the ginormous task of learning to make art on the iPad while in the midst of a thirty day painting challenge, you might recall that I made most of the art while on the sofa with my feet stretched out on the coffee table. It was a cushy studio. No wet paint involved but there were plenty of sketches, loose papers, pens, reference photos, magazines and assorted STUFF. Piles of ’em.

So tonight I put it all away. Or threw it away. Then I polished the table. And because I was getting into this this tidying thing I moved over to the sofa and fluffed the cushions. Folded the lap blankets too.

Took all of 15 minutes. Really. And now I’m looking at this lovely, inviting, clutter-free mini zone and finding myself exhaling.

Clearing space, day 1

Clearing space, day 1

And I want to keep it that way.

What do you think? Are you doing this with me (waving at ‘cha Kelly!). Love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.



Lookin’ Good In Basic Black


But habits aren’t just for nuns.


Some reflections: 30 Paintings 30 Days

I did it. I showed up every day for 30 days and let da muse have her way with me. Whether she wanted to or not. Whether I wanted to or not. I showed up and did the work.

And it paid off in more ways than I ever expected.

You need to understand something about me to fully appreciate what I’m about to say. I’m one of those oh-look-at-that-shiny-squirrel kind of people. In other words, I’m easily distracted.

Because I find everything so darn interesting.

But for the last thirty days I’ve been consumed by the f-word. Focus. What I thought was going to be a simple (HA!) daily painting challenge evolved into, well … let’s see:

  • I created art every day. EVERY day. That’s what I expected to do.
  • But I didn’t expect to know more about my iPad than I did 30 days ago. Well, I guess I did but I didn’t expect to learn so much. Which is a heckuva lot compared to the previous nothing. Ditto when it comes to digital art and procreate, things I thought were A. Only good for slick tacky images. And B. Only done by geeks.
  • I painted figures. And the figures evolved and became stories. And the stories are still evolving…
  • I blogged every day. EVERY day. Just like the arting.
  • Of the thirty images, there are a good dozen that make up a strong body of work. At this time prints are available of all the Women in Red images through my Society 6 store. This will change soon as I go through and edit the images. Some may morph into cards and posters. The best will be held back for limited editions available through my website, which is still under reconstruction because I took a month off to paint. The point is, 30 days ago none of this existed. And now I’m mulling over marketing.
  • Every image I created these past 30 days, whether I’m happy with the final result or not, is a potential painting of another sort. I’m eager to get back in the studio and start smooshing paint around. OMG, yes!

Am I done with Women in Red? No, probably not. I see them as an ongoing thing. But not daily, not right now. And not strictly digital.

And now my sweetums, let me tell you about the February challenge. TA-DA, yes, February!!! Because I just now decided that EVERY MONTH THIS YEAR will have a different challenge to kick start a new habit. My creative focus for February is another twofer. January was a twofer, right? Painting every day while learning digital. So every day in February I will devote 15 minutes to de-cluttering a specific area of my house or studio. De-cluttering as in putting things where they belong, even if that means garbage or the thrift store. I will let it go. All of it. And then I’ll photograph the area that’s been cleared. Arty photos of course, showing clear, reflective zenlike surfaces. Very arty because if I’m going to be cleaning I need some inspiration to keep me going.

And I’ll report it all here on the blog because I need to be held accountable. And you’ll want to see the pretty pictures.

What about you? Got a new habit you want to start? As long as it’s legal, somewhat moral and doesn’t involve mayhem you’re welcome to share it here. Looking forward to hearing all about it in the comments below.



Snow Queen

Winter is here.

Just look at all that white stuff. Brrrrr….

blog 12_8_boots

But I’m not phased, nope, not one bit. Because I HAVE NEW BOOTS. Bought them the day before the storm. They’re black. Nothing natural about them. Rubber and I dunno, maybe Neoprene? Waterproof. Amazingly comfortable. And WARM.

And on my feet they are MAGIC. They’ve turned me into a snow kickin’, ass kickin’ INVINCIBLE woman. Like Superman’s cape, only better.

So I can run around outside all day. Break ice in the horse trough with a swift kick. Dig through snow looking for the water shutoff box (the frozen pipe is another story). I can do all that because my feet are HAPPY.

So take THAT, snow!

But it’s not all about frozen pipes and stuck pickups (I didn’t mention the truck stuck at the bottom of the drive, did I?) Oh no, because for all it’s inconvenience, there is no denying the beauty of the white stuff.

blog 12_8_saki


blog 12_8_trees

And now for a mindtrip…think of all the bazillions of snowflakes in those photos and then try, just TRY to wrap your brain around this.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Back? Talk about MAGIC… Stunning. Breathtaking. Unbelievable. Each and every flake… I don’t know about you but I will never look at snow quite the same way again.

And now I’m out the door to buy Mr. Spouse a pair of boots just. like. mine. So he’ll quit whining  complaining about his cold feet and enjoy what the universe has so generously shared.










I See Dead Things

Holy crap, yes. And they’re achingly beautiful.

All That Remains

All That Remains

I LOVE this time of year, when summer’s lush bounty is g.o.n.e. Dried up like so many flowers past their bloom.

Once They Were Sunflowers

Once They Were Sunflowers

When the gaudy colors of fall have fallen and faded.

Hidey Hole

Hidey Hole

And a few hardy new shoots live on underneath the decay.

Morning Shadows

Morning Shadows

When everything is stripped away and it’s the sheer simplicity of light and shadow and frost on the meadow 

Baby Ponderosa

Baby Ponderosa

causes the breath to catch in wonder at the sight of a single tree.

I am so grateful for the beauty all around me. And for that I give thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! And if you live where this is not a holiday for you, I am more than happy to eat some pie in your name. Because I will do anything for my best best BEST beloved readers (smiley face emoticon here)



Technical infor: Camera, iphone 5c. Photos edited in Snapseed app. Not rocket science, just arty fun.



If I took a selfie right now you’d see that I’m wearing my barn jacket over a hoodie. Real attractive, like a pale blob of Playdough. Or an albino bear. You’ll have to trust me on this ’cause I’m NOT gonna take that selfie. And if I did, I wouldn’t show it to anyone.

Did I mention I’m wearing this designer outfit indoors? Yep, sitting in on the sofa in the living room, dog by my side. One dog. The other is shunning me for the comfy chair.

Got a fire going in the woodstove and even tho it’s chilly outside, it’s actually quite warm in here. But I’m dressed for the wild winter because, well…because it’s THAT time of year… Daylight Savings Time.

The dark side of the calendar…November.

Dia de Muertos

What can you expect from a month that STARTS by celebrating dead people. I mean, like on the very first day??? Besides face paint and partying, that is.

Come to think of it, that part, the party and dress up part, was pretty cool.

November really isn’t that bad. It’s got a bright side. Instead of salads I’m making soups. Got persimmons on the counter. And apples and pears. Winter squash. Root vegetables. Think cinnamon and ginger. And pots of beef stew.

Hand moves. Art Happens. SLPorter

Hand moves. Art Happens.

Short days, long nights…psssft. No problem.

I’ll just go in my studio and paint. Call me when it’s spring.

Chasing the Sun

If you read my blog last week, and I sincerely hope you did, you will recall that I was in Texas. There are not many reasons a fresh veggie lovin’ liberal from northern California would visit the land of everything-deep-fried-including-Oreos, certainly not for the foot long corndogs or the politics–no, no–NOT the politics, but I had a VALID reason to go to the lonestar state, the BEST reason of all … I’m a grandma.

Raining Puppies

Now go read that post so you can see how seriously I take this grandma stuff. You have to do that so you can understand how leaving the munchkin would’ve been hard, would’ve been devastating, would’ve broken my heart in a thousand little bitty pieces…if I didn’t have something to look forward to…

A side trip to Las Vegas to visit an old friend. A friend who knows me well enough to know that rocks and sun and light and big sky would feed my soul. Feed hers as well. 

It was a quick visit, 48 hours, nearly every one of which–when we weren’t sleeping—involved driving around the desert. 

Chasing the sun.





 desert 4


 desert 3

And falling in love with a landscape stripped down to the basics. A landscape that makes you reach deep inside and pull something out you didn’t know was there. Something...holy.

desert 5


Long before the gamblers, the silicon titties, the wild and frantic seven deadly sins check-list that is the Vegas strip, long before that, THIS was here.

And the ancient ones who painted their lives, their gods, their hunts, their stories on the walls of rock were here.

I’ll be back. I HAVE to go back. Have to experience this more deeply. I want to camp. And hike. Take photographs. Make art. And I want to share this with you. The seeds of a workshop have been planted.

Now I just have to figure out the logistics.

And listen to da muse who was WAY inspired. Inspired enough to play with charcoal on a whole ‘nother level.


deepening 8

Primal # 1. Susan Lobb Porter. Charcoal on paper


Primal # 2 Susan Lobb Porter. Charcoal on paper

Primal # 2 Susan Lobb Porter. Charcoal on paper

You up for joining me? It will be quite the arty adventure! Promise, really. Pinky swear even.

As always, would love to hear what you have to say in the comments below.
