Are We There Yet?

In the beginning…

She said, “Let there be marks.”

More Marks


WIP, First layer

And lo, she made all manner of marks within the paint.

While the music shook the studio, she sang. And danced. And jumped up and down on concrete playing a mean air guitar.

The marks became layers. And the layers became more. And more.

And she became sore of shoulder. Developed a knot in her back. And her knees and hips screamed quit jumping up and down on concrete!

But she arted on, saying, “I’m taking one for the (art) team.”

(Actually she said “Holy Crap! I’ve got a show in a month. I can’t stop painting now!!!”)

work in progress

work in progress

317 featured

 The photo up above is supposed to be a square. Who edited this anyway? Oh…me. My bad. Smile

blog 3_24WEB

Until the painting spoke to her and said, “Wait, I may be done now…or maybe not. Go do something else for a while and let me think about this.”

And so she did. But I won’t confuse you by showing the start of the new painting. Not in this post.

Disclaimer: Despite the size differences between the photos, these are indeed the same canvas. It’s a big puppy, 48 x 48 inches. As of yet it has no name. For now we’ll call him Red Bob. He is the first cousin to Red Dreams, a much smaller oil and cold wax I did last year. There is a strong family resemblance.

As always, my sweetums, if you like this please pass it along to your friends. And be sure to take a minute and say hi in the comments below. I will bake you a chocolate cake if you do. And I will eat it for you too, because I am your friend…and that’s what friends do.



Sanity Break

Sanity Break

Been so busy lately my head is spinning. Round and round just like a ball bearing. It’s enough to make a girl dizzy. Been finishing moving out of the old studio into the new.

But Susan, didn’t you move into the new! improved! Studio Grande six months ago?

Well, yes, I did. In a half-assed sort of way. Just the necessary stuff, you know. But stuff I had no immediate use for or didn’t know what to do with, I left behind hoping it would magically go away on it’s own.

But it didn’t. And now it’s time to rent out the cottage (ka-ching! ka-ching!) so I’ve been sorting, cleaning, donating and moving things from one place to another. Now that the old studio is nearly clean enough to rent out, the new one is TOTAL chaos. Every counter, every inch of floor is covered with S.T.U.F.F.

By this afternoon I needed a sanity break. So I stopped moving and cleaning and started stepping around and over things, poking through things, finding things… cranked up the music and began PAINTING!!!


Oh, YAY!!! again.

I started with the piece I showed you last time.  You can see and read about it here

work in progress

Well, the first thing I did was slap some paint on that puppy. I wanted to warm it up so I grabbed some Golden Open Acrylic in Titan Buff. I glopped it on with a palette knife and then spread it thinner using all sorts of arty tools. Brayer. Squeegie. Foam brush.

I am an equal opportunity spreader.

work in progress

I began adding one of the golds. Not sure which one this is, it’s a darker one, at least straight from the bottle. Lightens up when you spread it tho.

And I continued scribbling using caran d’ache and plain old pencil. Oh, pardon me, graphite.

work in progress

This is where it stands tonight. More layers still to come but I’m happy where this is headed.

As always, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. I will even blow kisses to you from afar and leave you with a happy face.

Because it’s such a grownup thing to do.

 Ha Ha

Rockin’ Out in Studio Grande

I spent nearly two weeks cooped up in the left side of my brain. Two weeks of computer geekiness while redesigning this blog. By the time I finally hit that publish button I was in desperate straits. I needed to loosen up. Needed to BURN OFF some creative energy.

I needed studio time!!!

I had a canvas, a huge, ginormous, badass 48×48 inch canvas. And I’m telling you, that puppy had my name ALL OVER IT. It said take me babe, I’m yours. 

And so I did, accompanied by da Boss blasting from the speakers. Oh Bruce…oh Bruce…say it again, “…strap your hands across my engines…” 


What. A. Ride.

More Marks


Drawing into Gesso

Drawing into Wet Gesso




Scrub Brush


I’m exhausted just remembering it. And excited too. It was SO. MUCH. FUN!!! For however many hours I was in there, I was out of my head. Totally. Never once did the ego pop in and say, ummm…what are you doing?

It was just me and da Muse. 

WIP, First layer

WIP, First layer

It’s still very much a work in progress. A base layer for more layers. Many more layers. I’ll post progress photos as it moves along, becoming the painting it wants to be. Right now there really isn’t any paint in this at all. Just gesso, charcoal, caran d’ache, and pencil.

And passion. The passion of music and marks and a rockin’ good time.

As always, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Wax On

Wax On

Before I begin the regular scheduled post I must rant about football.

Warning: Right now I have my cranky pants on. No, no, I’m not referring to the size 8 black skinny jeans in the closet that are still tormenting me.  I’m talking about my badass attitude cranky pants. The ones that caused me say some snarky things on FaceBook right after the game. You know…THE GAME. The one the Niner’s lost. The one they should’ve won if the refs made the right call in the last two minutes.  And why should I care. Really, WHY??? I don’t even follow football. But back in the day when the Niners RULED THE WORLD, when Montana was the KING of QBs and we lived in the Bay Area where everybody knew somebody who knew somebody on the team…back in those days they were MY TEAM.

And I luuuuuved them.

They were mine again for the last two minutes of this game. The two minutes where they could’ve won it. The two minutes that in football time stretched into breath holding, dinner shoveling hell… And. They. Lost.

And that’s all I’m gonna say about it. And I AM sorry if I got carried away on FB.

Now, let’s talk about ART!!! Oh yes, let’s do.

Last week I told you about the Cold Wax class I’m taking with Judy Wise. (This is not to be mistaken with the Brazilian Wax class I’m taking with Mr. Carlos.)  I didn’t show photos last week because they were way early stages. This week I’m ready to do some show and tell.  (Heads up: There will be NO show and tell from Mr. Carlos and the BWax class ev-ah! Okay, just so you know. So don’t ask.)

As in everything I do, it’s … complicated. Complicated in this case meaning layers and layers of paint and wax. Texture. Putting it on, scraping it off.

XO early layers

I began an acrylic on this old canvas awhile ago. Didn’t like it so I collaged some tissue paper on it for added interest.

Wax XO

Then I added cold wax and oils. After the colored layers I went in with a neutral palette. Is it finished? I dunno. When it sets up a bit I might scratch into it or add more paint or a light glaze. I’d like to pull a wee bit o’turquoise up from the depths.

Here’s a few more pieces in various stages.


I call this one ‘E’.  It. Is. Done…. if I can keep my hands off it. I hope I do because right now I think it’s yummy.

Wax O

This one I’m calling ‘O’. Not quite there yet. But almost.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

And this one is Oh! Oh! Oh! (I just made that up). Mmmmm… probably not done.

City Street

And last for today…as I uploaded this I decided it looks like a city street. So that’s what I’m calling it for now. But who knows what I’ll call it next week, or what it will look like then.

This is just the beginning. I have another four or five small ones in the works and eight larger panels waiting for me to start.

Things are coming together for the new! improved! Arty Life. Got a super surprise involving CHOCOLATE!!! Shhhh…that’s all I’m gonna say about that for now, except I’m thinking the time frame is looking more like early March. And be sure to check out the pony photos I’ve been posting on my FB page. I’m so loving doing this, taking photos of the horses every day during the morning feeding. Should’ve picked a better time.I usually feed them before I’ve showered or brushed my hair. Real glamour shots, y’know.

As always, I’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. And if you like what you see, be sure to share with your friends. You are, as always, my best best BEST beloved readers. Heart emoticon here.

Till next week or blog inspiration, whichever comes first xoxoxo