Oh. My. Goodness! Where did this week’s post go? Where???

It went…AWAY. Poof! Just. Like. That. To the interwebs away place, wherever that may be.

I didn’t discover it was missing until this morning. I thought maybe it was just a crappy post and you, my best beloveds, were insulted that I put it out there. Insulted enough not to comment here or like on FaceBook.

Just one of those things, y’know. I’m a big girl, I can take rejection.

But after two days of cyber silence this little worm of an idea began squirming around inside my head (under my hair, the place where magic happens). The little worm said, ummm…did you hit publish?

What a silly question! I’ve been blogging almost two years now. I know ALL about the Publish button. The Save Draft  button. The Move to Trash button.


And now I know all about the Publish in a Parallel Universe button. 

Yes, Parallel Universe. You have to trust me on this. It would also help if you were a theoretical mathematician and/or physicist. But mind-altering drugs, drinking too much and listening to this episode of Science Friday will get you there too. ‘There’ being parallel-land where parallel-you is reading the original post and snorting your coffee out your nose because it’s so damn good. The post, not your coffee. Although I hope the parallel-you indulges in decent coffee too.

And of course parallel-you leaves pithy comments and shares Arty-Life around the parallel-interwebs.

Just like you do here, right?

Okay, are you sufficiently confused yet? Good. Then I guess it’s time to climb off the dog ate my homework wagon and share a little ART with you now.

Oo Lala the Arty Life

Bottom of the Bowl # 1
Susan Lobb Porter

This, my best beloveds, is the beginning of a new photo/digital series I’m calling The Bottom of the Bowl. I realized one morning that the marks left on the bottom of the bowl of yoghurt were akin to the marks I leave on canvas. Imagine that! The original photo was all white and boring but then again, so’s a blank canvas. Right? But thanks to cyber-fairies and technology ART can happen even from dirty dishes.

Stay tuned for more. And please, tell me what the parallel-you would think of this. I’d really like to know.
