Crossed paths with Mr. Coyote this evening. I was on my way up from the studio and, wonders never cease–I had my camera. So I took a couple of photos. You have to look closely to see him because he blends in.

Coyote in the grass

This is going to be like Where’s Waldo? Hint: He’s on the right, in the grouping of three trees. About mid-level in the photo, staring at me face on. There’s a black dot that’s his nose. He’d been on a parallel path to me but stopped when I called out.

Coyote on the move

This one is a little easier to make out. Upper right, running off. If you’ve never seen a coyote before, they’re about the size of a mid-sized dog. They hunt in packs and have a distinct yip yip yip as they surround their prey. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been awakened in the dead of night by their killing chorus. The yips become a frenzy and then…silence. Total. Complete. SILENCE. And Mr. Bunny (or whomever) is no more.

We’ll hear them every night for weeks. Some nights more than once. Sometimes they sound like they’re right outside my window. Coming from a sound sleep to that racket kicks the adrenalin up. And then the dogs start barking. Because that’s what dogs do.

Really, who needs sleep?

Oh, right…I do.

After a couple of weeks the coyotes move on to fresh hunting and things quiet down. But they’ll be back. Weeks. Maybe a month, they’ll be back.

And looking at those photos I’d say it’s going to be noisy tonight.